MLS Listing Process

MLS Register

Register Your Listing Account

Register Your Login Account Information. You need only your name and email address. You may save your started listing and return to it later. This should take approximately 1 minute.

MLS Listing Information

Enter Your Property Information

Fill Out the MLS Listing Information Sheet. Our fields mirror the fields in the MLS system. This should take approximately 15-30 minutes.

MLS Lockbox, For Sale Signs

Select Optional Marketing Materials

Select Your Optional Marketing Materials such as Signs, Lockboxes, Open House Announcements, Additional Photos, and Home Warranty. This should take approximately 5 minutes.

Sign Listing Agreement

Sign Forms

Sign the Listing Agreement and forms Online with your Mouse or Touch pad. You will be able to review everything before payment is requested. This should take approx 15 minutes.

MLS Listing Submission

Submit The Listing To Us

Submit the Listing To Us. Once received, it will usually go into the MLS in just a few hours unless you have selected a designated start date.

Copy of MLS Listing

Receive Copy of Listing

Once Listed, You Will Receive a Copy of Your MLS Listing for Review. You may log back into your account to make changes or add marketing options.

Once you are listed in the MLS, you should begin to see your listing appear on the various real estate websites as soon as a few hours. If you ordered a sign or lockbox, it should arrive within 1-2 business days.

To Review What to Expect Once you are Listed with Our Company - CLICK HERE!

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